Lukas Mandl in the European Parliament against antisemitism, for Jewish life (16.09.2024)

During the debate in the Plenary of the European Parliament the Austrian Member Lukas Mandl quoted the contemporary Austrian novelist Robert Menasse with an important message. Mandl added, “what we can do is to fight antisemitism. What we have to do is to foster Jewish life.” Mandl also quoted Oskar Deutsch, President of the Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien (IKG) on the increase of antisemitism which had been mentioned during conference in the Austrian Parliament hosted by Wolfgang Sobotka the other day.

17. September 2024 Blog EU, EU-Außenpolitik, Europa, Europäische Union, Europäisches Parlament, Europaparlament, Geopolitik, Haltung und Grundsätze, Österreich, Sicherheit

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