About Mandl


Doctor Honoris causa of the Kadri Zeka University of Gjilan, Kosovo

conferment of Doctor Honoris Causa by the UKZ University of Gjilan, Kosovo

Member: Europol Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group

Full member of the Europol Joint Parliamentary Scrutiny Group (JPSG) based in The Hague.

Publication: “Kosovo and the EU – state of play”
Publication: “Kosovo and the EU – state of play”

Lexicon on Kosovo-related issues in German, English, Albanian, Serbian: Statements by well-known authors from Kosovo, Austria and other parts of Europe on terms related to the youngest state of Europe, the Republic of Kosovo: from EU accession to the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, from visa liberalization to the Western Balkans.

Korean Delegation (EP)

Election as Chair of the European Parliament Delegation on the Korean Peninsula

Committee Homeaffairs and Justice (LIBE)
Committee Homeaffairs and Justice (LIBE)

Membership in the European Parliament Committee on Homeaffairs and Justice (LIBE)

Member: Supervisory Board Robert Schuman Institute

Member of the Supervisory Board of the Robert Schuman Institute.

Chair: European Federalist Movement Austria
Chair: European Federalist Movement Austria

Chair of the European Federalist Movement (EFB) Austria

Chair of European Federation of Christian Student Associationes (EKV)

Election as Chair of the European Federation of Christian Student Associationes (EKV)

Reelection European Parliament (EP)
Reelection European Parliament (EP)

Reelection as a European Parliament Election, according to preferential votes ranked fifth of the Austrian People’s Party

Subcommittee Defence (SEDE), Transatlantic Friends of Israel (TFI) & Kosovo

Election as one of the Vicechairs of the European Paliament Subcommittee on Defence (SEDE), Appointment as the Head of the Transatlantic Friends of Israel Group in the European Parliament (TFI), Rapporteur of the European People’s Party Group and by that way Shadow Rapporteur of the European Parliament on the Republic…Read More

Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET), Subcommittee on Defence (SEDE), Committee on Development (DEVE) & Committee on Labour Market (EMPL)

Membership in the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) and its Subcommittee on Defence (SEDE) as well as in the Committee on Development (DEVE, until 2020) and as a Substitute Member in the Labour Market Committee (EMPL)

Article “Does Social Democracy have future?”

Article on „Does Social Democracy have future?“ in „Future – Discourse Journal for Politics, Society and Culture“

Volunteering in Kalkutta
Volunteering in Kalkutta

Volunteering in the Mother Terese „Missionaries of Charity“ Home for the Dying in Kalkutta

Book “Red-White-Red in Europe”

Editing the book „Red-White-Red in Europe – 25 Years after the Referendum on Austria’a EU-Membership“, Co-Editor: Markus Kroiher, own articles on „Booster Detonation“ and „Weatherproof“ (ISBN 978-3-9504382-4-6)

Committee on Sustainability and Petitions (PETI)

Membership in the European Parliament Committees on Sustainability and Petitions, 2 years

Member of the European Parliament (MEP)

Starting as a Member of the European Parliament

Visiting Pope Francis
Visiting Pope Francis

Handing over Pilgrim’s Shirt from the Hometown Gerasdorf to Pope Francis

Vice-President Assembly Of European Regions (AER)

Election as one of the Vice Presidents of the Assembly of European Regions (AER)

Book contribution “Die Volkspartei (R)Evolution”

Book contribution under the title ” Die Partei nominiert, die Wähler wählen” in “Mahrer/Halper: Die Volkspartei (R)Evolution”, Edition Noir (ISBN: 978-3-9503605-8-5)

Participation Berlin Half Marathon
Participation Berlin Half Marathon

Participation in the Berlin Half Marathon

Member ÖAAB

Coopted member of the Federal Executive Committee of the Austrian Employees’ Federation (ÖAAB)

Founding & President of the Kosovo-Friends in Austria

Founding and President of the Kosovo-Friends in Austria, KFAT

Publication of the book “Das ‘Judenlager’ Gerasdorf”

Publication of the book “Das ‘Judenlager’ Gerasdorf – Dokumentation eines Lagers, in dem Jüdinnen und Juden aus Ungarn 1944 zur Zwangsarbeit eingesetzt werden”, together with Alexander Vojta (ISBN: 978-3-200-04627-6)

Elemination of the district Wien-Umgebung

Elemination of the district Wien-Umgebung as an administrative entity, allocation to four different districts for rationalization reasons

Book contribution “Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Politik”

Book contribution entitled “Kosovo: Europäische Integration im Fokus”, together with Thomas Goiser, in “Khol/Ofner/Karner/Halper: Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Politik” (Böhlau Verlag) (ISBN: 978-3-205-20435-0)


International projects in sales for Smartassistant

Deputy Mayor municipality Gerasdorf

Election as deputy mayor of the municipality of Gerasdorf after the top candidacy of the ÖVP Gerasdorf with the best municipal election results for a quarter of a century (until 2017)

Candidature European elections

Candidature in the European elections, after preferential votes Austria-wide rank 5 of the ÖVP

Re-election to the Lower Austrian Parliament

Re-election to the Lower Austrian Parliament by preferential votes (until 2017)

Book contribution “Was wäre wenn…? – 10 Jahre schwarz-grün: Eine Spekulation”

Book contribution under the title “Damals war jetzt” in “Was wäre wenn…? – 10 Jahre schwarz-grün: Eine Spekulation”, Edition Noir (ISBN: 978-3-9503483-1-6)

Book contribution “Jahrbuch für politische Beratung 2012/13”

Book contribution under the title “Bessere Politik durch mehr Persönlichkeitswahlrecht” in “Köhler/Mertens: Jahrbuch für politische Beratung 2012/13”, Edition Mezzogiorno (ISBN: 978-3-902838-09-4)

Chairman of the Europe Committee (Lower Austrian Parliament)

Elected Chairman of the Europe Committee in the Lower Austrian Parliament


Start of annual pilgrimages and long distance hikes on the Via Sacra in Austria and on the Way of St. James in France and Spain

Admission Order of the German House

Admission to the Familiareninstitut of the Order of the Sisters and Brothers of the German House of St. Mary in Jerusalem

Chairman of the Lower Austrian Academic Association

Election as chairman of the Lower Austrian Academic Association

Birth son Max
Birth son Max

Birth of the son Max Johannes (picture from 2019, Seyring)

Foundation and vice-president of the fan club of the Lower Austrians for Rapid
Foundation and vice-president of the fan club of the Lower Austrians for Rapid

Foundation and vice-president of the fan club of the Lower Austrians for Rapid

Supervisory Board of Wohnbaugenossenschaft Alpenland (until 2020)

Supervisory Board of Wohnbaugenossenschaft Alpenland

City councilor Gerasdorf

Start as city councilor of the municipality of Gerasdorf bei Wien (until 2015)

General Secretary ÖAAB

Start as General Secretary of the Austrian Workers’ Federation (ÖAAB) (until 2012)

Publication of ” Ideen für ein kinderfreundliches Österreich”
Publication of ” Ideen für ein kinderfreundliches Österreich”

Publication of ” Ideen für ein kinderfreundliches Österreich” in the Edition Academia as socio-political spokesperson of the “Österreichischen Cartellverbandes” (2005-2010)

Lectureship as external lecturer

Lectureship as an external lecturer at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (until 2016)

Book contribution “Jugend und soziale Gerechtigkeit”

Book contribution entitled ” Praktikable Lösungen statt ideologischer Scheuklappen” in “Poier/Koschegg/Spannring: Jugend und soziale Gerechtigkeit” (Leykam Verlag, Graz) (ISBN: 978-3-7011-0132-0)

District party leader ÖVP Wien-Umgebung

Election as district party leader of the ÖVP Wien-Umgebung (after re-election until 2016)

Election Lower Austrian Parliament

Election by preferential votes in the Lower Austrian Parliament, for the constituency Wien-Umgebung (district of Wien-Umgebung)

Birth daughter Lena
Birth daughter Lena

Birth of daughter Lena Maria (picture from 2017, NYC)

Book contribution

Book contribution entitled “Tragfähigkeit durch Transzendenz” in “Brücken bauen – christliche Inspiration in der Politik – das ‘hohe C’ in Österreich” (Residenz Verlag) (ISBN: 978-3-7017-3094-0)

Birth daughter Lisa
Birth daughter Lisa

Birth of daughter Lisa Katharina (picture from 2020, Augsburg)

Wedding with Kristina
Wedding with Kristina

Wedding with Kristina Johanna (Wahlfahrtsbasilika Maria Puchhain)

Consultant in the Volkspartei of Lower Austria

Start as a consultant in the Volkspartei of Lower Austria, after a short employment in a public affairs agency

Communication sciences (University of Vienna)

Degree in communication sciences in combination of subjects at the University of Vienna (Mag. phil.)

Co-editor of the book “Die ökosoziale Wende – Perspektiven & Horizonte einer schwarz-grünen Politik”

Co-editor of the book “Die ökosoziale Wende – Perspektiven & Horizonte einer schwarz-grünen Politik”, contribution under the title “Für eine Politik der Courage” (ISBN: 3-8334-1918-0)

Candidacy for the federal chairmanship JVP

Candidacy for the federal chairmanship of the “Junge Volkspartei” (almost 37 percent)

Book contribution

Book contribution under the title “Nachhaltigkeit und globale Verantwortung” in “Köhler/Mertens/Spindelegger: Stromaufwärts – Christdemokratie in der Postmoderne des 21. Jahrhunderts”

Chairman of the Austrian Federal Youth Representation (BJV)

Chairman of the Austrian Federal Youth Representation (BJV), in rotation

Senior Rhateo-Danubia

three semesters in a row chairman (“senior”) of the Rhaeto-Danubia Vienna University Association im Österreichischen Cartellverband (ÖCV)

Candidacy in the National Council election

Candidacy in the National Council election on the regional electoral district list of the ÖVP Wien-Umgebung (districts of Mödling and Wien-Umgebung)

Trainee Federation of Austrian Industry

Start as trainee of the Federation of Austrian Industry (until 2005)

Study of communication sciences

Start of the study of communication sciences in combination of subjects at the University of Vienna

Seminar trainer & copywriter

Start as freelance seminar trainer and copywriter

parliamentary employee

Start as parliamentary employee of Abg.z.NR emer. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhart Bruckmann (until 2002)

Foundation of the Freunde der Schülerunion

Foundation of the Freunde der Schülerunion as a support association and network

Candidacy in the National Council election

Candidacy in the National Council election on the national list of the ÖVP Vienna

Basic military service with the Austrian Armed Forces
Basic military service with the Austrian Armed Forces

Basic military service with the Austrian Armed Forces (ET 10/99, ABA JgR W, 3rd Kp, 2nd Zg; usage: B1-Kf MilKdo W; disarmed as Gfr.)

Initiation Schulpartnergipfel

Initiation of the first Schulpatnergipfel

Federal chairman Schülerunion

Elected Federal Chairman of the Schülerunion (until 1999)

Matura (A-levels)

Matura (A-levels) at the commercial academy

Studies of commercial sciences

Start of studies of commercial sciences at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (without degree)

Provincial chairman Schülerunion Vienna

Election to the provincial chairman of the Viennese Schülerunion

Austria joining the EU

much commitment in the run-up to the vote on Austria’s accession to the EU on 12 June 1994

Class representative

Election of the class representative

Commercial academy

Commercial academy in Wien-Landstraße, Ungargasse

Viennese Schülerunion

Start of involvement in the viennese Schülerunion

Lower Secondary School

Lower Secondary School in Vienna-Floridsdorf, Franklinstraße 21

Elementary School

Elementary School in Gerasdorf, 4 years

Horse Riding

Begin of 12 years of horse riding


Relocation with the whole family to Lower Austria


born as the fourth of five children in Vienna, Austria; Mother Victoire from the Netherlands; Father Harald Mandl from Styria