Die Welt ist in Unruhe. Dass Europa ein Ort der Sicherheit bleibt, ist wichtig. Die Bürgerinnen und Bürger sollen sich auf die EU verlassen können. Die anderen Teile der Welt sollen sich auf die EU verlassen können. Freiheit, Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit müssen nach innen und außen gelten. Damit wir das schaffen, ist viel zu tun, besonders im Bereich der Sicherheit und der Investitionen aus den Verteidigungshaushalten. Dazu habe ich dem „Parliament Magazine“ einen Kommentar geliefert. Jetzt ist er erschienen. Hier findet sich der Text in digitaler Form:
Europe is surrounded by an arch of instability. In the South, we are partly confronted with failed or fragile states that provide fertile ground for terrorist and criminal organisations. In the East, a resurgent Russia continues its hybrid war against Ukraine and its illegal annexation of Crimea. Hybrid tactics, including cyber and information warfare, are increasingly used to de-stabilize Western democracies. Europe would have the means to confront these challenges. The EU member states collectively have more troops than the US and are the second largest defence spender in the world. However, due to a lack of coordination and fragmentation, the effectiveness of this spending is considerably lower. This is a waste of taxpayers’ money and weakens our defence capabilities. In the next few years, we must ensure better coordination through initiatives such as CARD and PESCO. We must invest more in research and development, which is why I welcome the proposed budget of €13 billion for the European Defence Fund for the next Multiannual Financial Framework. We must establish a common European Cyber Brigade to counter increasing cyber threats. Finally, we must be aware that the security of our neighbourhood is our security and increase our engagement in the region.